Tuesday, December 05, 2006

We are in La Cruz at the moment, which is just north of Puerta Vallarta, it is on the same bay as PV. but it is a quieter spot, there are no seadoos, water taxis or party boats blaring out music so we are enjoying ourselves. We will stay here 2 nights and then head further south.
We went into town yesterday and wandered around trying to find the Capitan del Puerto to sign in and out of the port. After we were so overcome with the heat and humidity we stopped at this restaurant to have some refreshment. Barry ordered fish, thinking he would get a nice fillet and when it arrived there was THE WHOLE FISH, head, tail everything but the guts. He said it was really tasty!!!

We found out where the bakery was, but it was closed, would reopen about 6 P.M. so I am planning to head there this morning and sample some freshly baked Mexican bread. There apparently is a spot to swap books as well so I want to go there. It is very hot and humid here and if you look at the vegetation on the hills you will notice we are no longer in the desert like Baja. Our bodies are coping by sweating a great deal, perhaps we will be able to shed a few pounds. I took the shot below as we were headed to the anchorage.