Monday, April 02, 2007

We are on the west side of the Sea of Cortez otherwise known as the Gulf of California. We have about 40 miles yet to go to get to La Paz, so we are planning on stopping at an anchorage about 20 miles north. We are in a channel at the moment between an island and the Baja Peninsula. There are rays jumping out of the water on one side of the boat. Last night dolphins were leaping about 4 feet out of the water right in front of the boat and I think we saw a swordfish, there were whales off in the distance as well. There was an absolutely beautiful sunset last night, perhaps we will see more of them in the Sea. It has been an uneventful crossing, we sailed the first 15 hours then have motored and motor sailed since then, the ocean was just flat calm. We could be sailing now but want to make our anchorage before dark. Hopefully the wind will pick up enough that we can do some sailing later on.