Tuesday, January 03, 2012

We went to the Botanical Gardens the other day and Quinn got to go and ride on the cane train.  Quinn is definitely train crazy , he has Lego trains and Thomas trains and then there is the cane train. The growing of sugar cane is a huge industry in the Bundaberg area and a group of volunteers have restored a number of diesel and steam engines and run it as a tourist attraction. We went last week and had a ride with the steam engine but we made a special stop today because the diesel engine was working.
Quinn got a special treat because they opened up the engine compartment so he got examine the big diesel engine, then had got to get up in the cab and blow the whistle.  That was the highlight of his day. Last week after we rode the train we went and fed the ducks and the pukekos, a very odd looking bird that we first saw in New Zealand, another name for them is swamp hen.  I uploaded a video of Quinn and June doing some gymnastics in the living room.  If you would like to view it go to the side panel on my blog and click on the link.