Sunday, April 28, 2013

We are finally having a great sail, after all that bashing up the coast we had a down wind leg after the top of the bump to Fortaleza and then for about 100 miles after that and then we hit the ITCZ. There was rain, there were squalls, there were flat calms, sometimes within hours but we got through it and for the last 3 days it has been smooth trade wind sailing, yippee.  We are cruising along under blue skies with sparkling seas.  We have just successfully navigated across the mouth of the Amazon without encountering any adverse effects, mind you we are 250 miles offshore just to make sure none of the outflow and currents will get to us.  We are coming up on the turning point to visit Devil's Island in French Guyana but the Captain has put a kibosh on that idea.  I can see his point, we have been on the go for 27 days now. I have a nasty sore throat which is trying to become a bothersome chest cold.  Barry has been covering lots of my day shifts so I can get extra rest so we are both tired and worn out and right now we just want to be there.  We are going to land in Tobago at the capital Scarboro. Trinidad is a supposed to be a very commercial, busy place whereas Tobago is mentioned as being on of the prettiest islands in the West Indies.  We hope to land on May 4 or 5 and spend about a week there before making out way down to Trinidad, which is only 20 miles away at the closest point, and get ready to be hauled out for the hurricane season.  Sometimes my head just spins with plans for what we needs to be done to get the boat ready, what we should take home and plans to visit friends and family across Canada, good thing it is quiet out here.