Monday, April 24, 2006

We made it to Port Angeles yesterday,that means that we have crossed Juan de Fuca Strait, another big milestone. We had excellent winds yesterday, on the beam at about 20 knots, we crossed the 18 miles in just over 3 hours. I felt a bit queasy with all the waves and swells on the beam, but not too bad.
Today we are headed to Neah Bay which is the last port on the American side of Juan de Fuca before you turn the corner and head south, it is 49 miles from Port Angeles. There is a slight wind directly behind us so we are motoring until the wind picks up. I am hoping to head out to the Pacific for 24 hours and then turn around and head back to Neah Bay. I want to stand 24 hour watches and do some night sailing. We will see what the weather offers. Hopefully I will be able to keep in touch.