They also had a terrific dinosaur exhibit.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Natural History Museum
We visited the Museum of Natural History yesterday. I wasn't going to go because we went to one in Wash. and then I looked at the web site and decided that it was worth a look. Am I ever glad I went, the museum has so much history attached to it, Peary, the Arctic explorer went to Greenland to get this huge meteorite in the early 1900's. The big one weighs 34 tons and there are pictures of a team of 26 horses hauling the rock from the docks to the museum.
The displays were really well done as well, there were brief facts in large letters to catch the kids attention and then if you wanted to know more you would read the finer print. After the dinosaurs, I looked at the bird exhibit, trying to further my identification skills while Barry went through the space exhibit. Together we went through the origin of human display. It was awesome, they even had Lucy's bones there. Do you know why they called her Lucy? The team that found her were celebrating and that night they were listening to the Beatles music, Lucy in the sky with diamonds! My feet were starting to ache and it was time to head off to ball game so we reluctantly left. If you only had one museum to go to if yu are ever in NYC I would recommend this one.
Yankees 3 - Blue Jays 1 the game started off with a bang, a B J home run on the first pitch of the game but they never got on a roll after that. The crowd was quite subdued although every time Derek Jeter came up to bat they would chant. He hit a single and ended up being one of the Yankees that crossed the plate, nice to see player in his last year still able contribute. When I was in the souvenir store I was thinking of buying a Reggie Jackson shirt. I still remember watching him hit the home runs to clinch the servers back in the 70's but they did not have one in that particular store.