So, alot of things have happened since the last time I blogged. Monday rolled around and guess what, they didn't have the type of batteries we needed in the local store. TWO WEEKS, that would be a Mexican 2 weeks, which probably would stretch out to a month, so we took things into our own hands and went out and rented a car. The typical Lange style, charge straight ahead, no research, just go, oh well we did hear on the cruisers net in the morning that they did have batteries in Nogales so off we went. We headed out on Monday afternoon and got in Nogales on the U.S. border about closing time. We found the address for the store we needed that evening and actually had no trouble finding the store the next day. TOO EASY, they did not have the batteries we needed, so off we went to Tucson. Again no research, no phone calls, just went on faith. Someone up there was looking after us. At a gas station in Tucson got a hold of one place and no batteries there, but he told us about another guy and when we called him he had some. OH JOY.!! He even had the four that we needed. I did a happy dance right there in the parking lot, Barry on the other hand waited until the guy had them in the cart in the store and then a small grin broke through on his features. WE DID IT.
We turned right around in that little rental car, whose headlights now pointed quite a bit higher due to the 300 pound
s of batteries in the trunk, and drove back to San Carlos. The roads were actually really good. A separate double laned highway two lanes in both directions, certainly better that the road to Yellowknife and at times it seemed like there were about as many people, pretty desolate stretch of road. The shoulders were almost non-existant though and I kept busy with my dictionary interpreting the signs "drive carefully, dangerous shoulders", "dangerous curves ahead", "reduce your speed", etc, etc. The only thing is, it is a major route into the U.S. so there were lots of trucks on it. At one point the Mexicans were searching all the trucks, that is when I realized what a major route this was, the trucks were lined up on the road for almost 2 kilometers.
We got back in the dark and Barry loaded the batteries into the dinghy and then in a 25 knot wind we motored them to the boat. I was pretty wet by the time we got to the boat. ( I guess I should have started that paragrap with "It was a dark and stormy night") Barry loaded them on the boat and lifted them down into the bowels of the boat. Then he had no problem what so ever hooking them up and then we had light. I actually had three lights on at the same time, what luxury. Wow, it was great. What a relief. I am still shaking my head with amazement at what luck we had to get the batteries and have them fit and have them work just like that. The whole trip was worth just over a boat buck so all is good.
We are going to head out tomorrow, not sure exactly where we are going to go. I want to head northwest and see the west side of the Baja again for awhile before we head south again. If you want to send us some e-mail for the next while send it to
Hopefully that should work just fine